Make up and augmented reality meet in ManiMatch, the new app by Sally Hansen
Varnish lovers, read here: have you always wanted to see the effect of that marvelous nail polish before being home and try it on? Now it is finally possible!
The nail varnish experts at Sally Hansen, #1-selling nail color and nail care brand in the US, know your problem and decided to help you with a new app…and augmented reality, of course!
The app is named ManiMatch, it’s available for free download for iOS (you can find it here) and has been launched in a pop-up bar in SoHo just some days ago. It works in a pretty simple way: you just have to put your hand on a neutral color surface, as white or another thin shade, and to focus it with your mobile device on which the app is installed; ManiMatch then will scan the hand and your skin tones and it will choose the perfect varnish tone for you.
“Everyone of course has different undertones and contrasts with the colors, so it’s important to be able to try it on,” Madeline Poole, Sally Hansen’s global color ambassador and trend expert, said. “You might try on a shirt. It looks amazing on a rack, but when you try it on, it washes you out, or it doesn’t bring out the color of your eyes or your hair or whatever, so it’s the same kind of concept.”
If for you the app’s advice is not enough, you can anyway freely surf the catalogue of products, in which you will find around 200 different shades; the products can be found even browsing them for categories or characteristics and then they can be purchased directly from the smartphone.
It will be also possible to try the colors while in the shops scanning the barcodes on the varnish bottles and to enjoy fabulous nail art tutorials directly on your hands.
“The fact that you see exactly how a color will look on your own hands is just pure fun—and incredibly useful. People end up experimenting with shades they’d never normally try.”
Fun, technology and sales grow: elements getting along pretty good when we talk about augmented reality in retail.
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