Magic Leap: unveiled news on the mysterious augmented reality project
Today we want to talk about one of the most mysterious companies on the international high tech market: Google invested no less than $542 million and, right in the last days, another global colossus as Alibaba (for those not knowing it, it’s the leader company in the world of Chinese e-commerce) declared to be ready to write a cheque for $200 million. Did you understand who we are talking about? Of Magic Leap, of course.
All we know about this company is that they are working on a big augmented reality-related project, about which from time to time we receive some little updates that are leaving us with a true wow. During last days they released another video, shoot inside the company’s offices as the previous ones, that shows a live demonstration of the product they are working on:
Doesn’t it remind you of anything? If you already tried our demo, surely you will feel some kind of deja vu 😉
But the news related to the mysterious company are not ended! Again during last days, Magic Leap’s CEO Rony Abovitz said: “We’re actually gearing up to build millions of things; we’re not ready to announce when we’re shipping, but it gives you a signal that we’re not fa.”
The announcement adds mystery to mystery: so Magic Leap is preparing to the production of headsets? It seems the answer is yes: Abovitz gave some sporadic hint saying that it will be a little device, that people will feel comfortable to take around.
If all this was not enough already, an additional declaration left everyone surprised and curious; the company’s chief content officer, Rio Caraeff, said that the ultimate vision for Magic Leap is to create a broad-based platform for visual computing: “Anything you can do on a smartphone, you can do with Magic Leap, where the world is your screen.”
Useless to say that the world of augmented reality fans is once more pretty excited.
- Pubblicato il Augmented reality @en
Magic Leap: svelate news sul misterioso progetto di realtà aumentata
Oggi vi parliamo di una delle compagnie più misteriose sul mercato hi-tech internazionale: Google ci ha investito ben 542 milioni di dollari e, giusto in questi giorni, un altro colosso mondiale come Alibaba (per chi non la conoscesse, è l’azienda leader nel mondo dell’e-commerce cinese) si è dichiarato pronto a staccare un assegno da ben 200 milioni di dollari. Avete capito di chi stiamo parlando? Di Magic Leap, ovviamente.
Di questa compagnia si sa solo che sta lavorando a un grosso progetto relativo alla realtà aumentata, del quale ogni tanto arrivano piccoli aggiornamenti che ci fanno rimanere a bocca aperta. Proprio negli scorsi giorni è stato rilasciato un altro video, come i precedenti ripreso all’interno degli uffici aziendali, che mostra una dimostrazione live del prodotto al quale l’azienda si sta dedicando:
Non vi ricorda nulla? Se conoscete già le nostre demo avrete di certo un deja vu 😉
Ma le notizie relative alla misteriosa compagnia non finiscono qua! Oltre al video di demo, sempre pochi giorni fa, il CEO di Magic Leap Rony Abovitz ha dichiarato: “Ci stiamo attrezzando per costruire milioni di prodotti; non siamo pronti ad annunciare quando inizieremo a spedire, ma questo vi dà un segnale che non siamo così lontani dal farlo.”
La dichiarazione aggiunge mistero al mistero: dunque Magic Leap si sta preparando alla produzione di visori? Sembrerebbe la risposta sia sì: Abovitz ha dato qualche sporadico indizio dicendo che si tratterà di un dispositivo piccolo, che le persone non avranno difficoltà a portare con sé.
Se tutto questo non fosse già abbastanza, ecco che un’altra dichiarazione ha lasciato tutti a bocca aperta; il chief content officer della compagnia, Rio Caraeff, ha dichiarato che il fine ultimo di Magic Leap è quello di creare una piattaforma per il visual computing: “Qualsiasi cosa tu possa fare su uno smartphone, puoi farlo anche su Magic Leap, dove il mondo è il tuo schermo.”
Inutile dire che il mondo degli appassionati di realtà aumentata è una volta di più in fermento.
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Magic Leap: the mysterious startup wanting to bring magic to the real world
During last weeks we already talked about some headsets and wearables on Experenti’s blog: from Hololens to Vive, from Google Glass to Sony SmartEyeglass; maybe we saw just the prototypes, but we know what to expect.
Today, instead, we are going to talk about a mysterious project that is keeping on their toes the Augmented and Virtual Reality enthusiasts from all over the world: about a year ago, Google invested no less than $ 542 million in a startup called Magic Leap. Of course, everyone started to wonder what was at the back of Magic Leap’s project to interest a colossus like the big G. The situation became thorny as the answers didn’t come.
What we know about Magic Leap is that they’re working on a wearable, probably a headset, which blends Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, and that it’s not meant to be used as stationary. Nothing more. Aren’t you starting to be curious too, now?
The world of the web and technology enthusiast was expecting some answer from the recent Reddit AMA that Magic Leap’s CEO Rony Abovitz held about a month ago. When the users asked Abovitz how he’d explain Magic Leap, he replied in an even more confusing way: “You can think of us as techno-biology,” he said. “We believe it is the future of computing.” Then he explained his meaning of techno-biology: “is the proper application of technology to our biology that leads to the experience of magic.”
From what can be understood, it seems Magic Leap will be different from other headset for a main point: if they put you in a virtual world, Magic Leap will focus on take the magic in the real world. He added that their technology is called “cinematic reality” and it’s not based on the use of stereoscopic 3D, but on Lilliputian projector to shine light and images into the user’s eyes instead.
After that occasion, another one filled the curious with expectations: in march, Rony Abovitz was supposed to appear at TED to talk about his company’s mysterious work. At the last moment, unluckily, the company deleted this and another appearance for reasons unknown. They sent a video, though, that left the users without words: this is what’s apparently happening in Magic Leap headquarters:
- Pubblicato il Augmented reality @en