The Experenti Team returns to SMAU, the biggest italian Information & Communications Technology Fair, for the gran finale in Milan!

The Fair, from over 50 years the most relevant in the italian IT field both for companies and professionals, will be in Milan from 21th to 23th October, together with the ending period of EXPO 2015, taking the wind of innovation to the city.

Experenti will be there with a double appointment: Amir Baldissera and Barbara Bonaventura will be waiting for you Wednesday and Friday with two free workshops to close the SMAU edition of this year talking about marketing that works and augmented reality!

Come to meet us in person following our seminars:

Wednesday 21th October
h. 12.00, Sala 2 Pad. 1:

Amir Baldissera, CEO at Experenti, will explain how Augmented Reality can help a traditional business during the workshop “Nuovi strumenti per vendere, comunicare e istruire: la Realtà Aumentata“:


Friday 23th October
h. 13.30, Sala 2 Pad. 1:

Barbara Bonaventura, Marketing Manager at Experenti, will talk about the Marketing that works in her speech “E se il marketing non funziona? Come abbandonare le vecchie abitudini e trovare nuovi clienti“:


We look forward to your participation at our two appointments at

SMAU Milano,
padiglioni 1 e 2 di FieramilanoCity,
Viale Teodorico – Milano

Don’t forget to register for the events: you can do it for free to Barbara’s workshop here and to Amir’s workshop here.

Did we already tell that this is a period full of news and events for Experenti? Actually, we know we did: if you followed us here on the blog, you already know about our participation at Smau (the italian Information & Communications Technology Fair) Turin and our Prize for the Best Innovation Internship. Now we are happy to announce other two possibilities to meet us and know more about the world of Augmented Reality and its application to avant-garde marketing:


1) Tonight, 26th May 2015, Experenti’s CEO and founder Amir Baldissera will talk about our idea of Augmented Reality at the Intel® Developers meetup #1 on RealSense™ technology in Milan:



2) Friday 5th June 2015 Experenti will be at Smau Bologna for another couple of free workshops:


– Meet Barbara Bonaventura, Experenti’s Marketing Manager, at 2.00 PM in Room 1 to listen her experience related to the startups’ world and the marketing that works:




– At 3.00 PM, again Room 1, you will be able to ask all your questions about Augmented Reality to Experenti’s founder and CEO, Amir Baldissera:




If you will be visiting the Fair, it will be a pleasure to meet you; the seminars are free, but don’t forget to register to Barbara’s workshop here and to Amir’s workshop here.

We are happy to announce that the Experenti Team will be taking part at SMAU, the biggest italian Information & Communications Technology Fair, that will take place the 29th-30th April in Turin.

Barbara Bonaventura and Amir Baldissera will be there to answer to all your questions and doubts related to:

  • Augmented Reality
  • Innovative marketing
  • How to create a startup and make it work

In the case you will be at the Fair and want to book a meeting with our Team, you can do it using the hashtag #chiediaExperenti.

Also, in the afternoon we will be talking about our project in two free seminars:

  • 3.00 PM, Room 1: Barbara Bonaventura, Experenti Marketing Manager, will talk about the Marketing that works

  • 2.00 PM, Room 1: Amir Baldissera will explain how Augmented Reality can help a traditional business


If you will be visiting the Fair, you can register for free to Barbara’s workshop here and to Amir’s workshop here.