News: Experenti wins the Prize for the Best Innovation Internship
We are happy to announce that Experenti won the Prize for the Best Innovation Internship in collaboration with University of Padua and Confindustria.
Research and successful stories start from training, and we know it good. Experenti collaborates with the University of Padua for the development of avant-garde marketing methods, using a team of specialists and professional researchers in the new technologies and frontier of advertising.
More than 150 students were involved in the twelfth edition of, the Career Day organized by Ict Lab of Confindustria Padua to promote high level training in Ict, in collaboration with PST Galileo, University of Padua and Ca’ Foscari.
Our company was choose between 141 projects and won the “Prize for the Best Innovation Internship“: impossible not being proud of this.
Happy for us? Share the article and follow our news also on Facebook!
- Pubblicato il Experenti @en
It’s almost holidays time: try Experenti’s augmented tourism!
Summer is coming, and it means one thing: holidays, relax and, of course, tourism!
People are going to plan their travels, and to buy guidebooks that will help them getting around not missing a good spot they can see in any place they’ll go. But what if we tell you that you can get more from your travels? More information, more engagement, more fun…more WOW! If you are a museum, a city of art or any reality linked to the cultural heritage, we think you could be interested in our work!
Experenti offers a new way of advertising and exploring art, monuments and interesting places. Thanks to Augmented Reality, we can enhance the experience of traveling and touring making it a real unforgettable event in the life of your visitors: we can give life to paintings and artworks with animations, video guides, interactive guides and art catalogues, that your users will see directly on their phone. All the culture they want is already in their pockets.
Some of Experenti’s offers for tourism:
TOUR GUIDES to present in a simple and direct way complex and abstract concepts.
INTERACTIVE MAPS that allow visitors to explore the exhibition space according to personal criteria.
3D CHARTS presenting the evolution of architectural, historical or conceptual of various artefacts or exhibits.
You want to understand better how Experenti works? Try us, it’s easy: just download our press kit here and the app for iOS or Android. Then scan the related tag with your smartphone and be ready to… WOW! 😉
- Pubblicato il Augmented reality @en, Experenti @en, Museum, Tourism
Experenti at SMAU 2015, the italian Information & Communications Technology Fair
We are happy to announce that the Experenti Team will be taking part at SMAU, the biggest italian Information & Communications Technology Fair, that will take place the 29th-30th April in Turin.
Barbara Bonaventura and Amir Baldissera will be there to answer to all your questions and doubts related to:
- Augmented Reality
- Innovative marketing
- How to create a startup and make it work
In the case you will be at the Fair and want to book a meeting with our Team, you can do it using the hashtag #chiediaExperenti.
Also, in the afternoon we will be talking about our project in two free seminars:
- 3.00 PM, Room 1: Barbara Bonaventura, Experenti Marketing Manager, will talk about the Marketing that works
- 2.00 PM, Room 1: Amir Baldissera will explain how Augmented Reality can help a traditional business
If you will be visiting the Fair, you can register for free to Barbara’s workshop here and to Amir’s workshop here.
- Pubblicato il Experenti @en
Augmented Reality by Experenti gives life to Modulblok’s intelligent shelving
Breaking news: the new app by Experenti is here!
We are very happy and proud to announce another company that decided to aim for innovation and experiential marketing to present their products.
We worked for the company Modulblok, groundbreaking entity in research and design of anti-seismic storehouses and shelving, creating for them an app that makes their products WOW, just how we like it.
In Modulblok’s app, available free for iOS and Android, you will find up-to-date contents and new 3D to see the main storehouse solutions offered by the company.
You want to try it? It’s easy:
- Download the app for your mobile device (iOS or Android)
- Download the new tags from the dedicated section of Modulblok’s site
- Focus with your smartphone and…
WOW! The experience begins: thanks to Augmented Reality you will be able to see right in front of your eyes a preview of Modulblok’s work.
There’s no doubt: how they say on their site, this is the starting of a new adventure, made of passion, innovation and…WOW experience!
Watch the video to have more information:
- Pubblicato il Augmented reality @en, Experenti @en, Industry
Experenti and San Benedetto together to augment water bottles packaging
As you probably already know, Experenti is a company working with Augmented Reality and Experiential Marketing; this means that we help our clients to make their promotional strategies unforgettable, giving to the user not only the essential information about the product or the service, but also gifting him a true experience through Augmented Reality.
We already recommended to you our Press Kit, which you can download and then use to try our app (free and available for Android and iOS) and get an idea of our work; nonetheless, today we add a new project that we just ended: it’s the work that Experenti made for the famous company San Benedetto.
Our intervention was in range of the promotion of Aquavitamin, non-alcoholic drinks with high content of vitamins in San Benedetto water, and consisted in the creation of a mobile app and of the relative Augmented Reality tags for the product. Aquavitamin’s advertising has been printed on the plastic of water bottles’ package and, once you download and start the Aquavitamin app, you just have to focus it and enjoy your advert experience: all the colored little bottles will appear in front of us through the smartphone’s screen and you will be able to go along and choose the one you want to know more about.
Working with us, San Benedetto found a highly engaging modality of promotion for their Aquavitamin, and also a way of giving all the information about it: colored images and videos will be available on the mobile devices of every San Benedetto customer.
You want to know something more? Watch our explanatory video:
- Pubblicato il Advertising @en, Augmented reality @en, Experenti @en
“Piero della Francesca – Il disegno tra arte e scienza” – Art and Augmented Reality
Passionate about Art and Augmented Reality? At Palazzo Magnani in Reggio Emilia, Italy, there will be the exhibition you are waiting for: “Piero della Francesca – Il disegno tra arte e scienza” (The drawing between art and science) is held from March 14 until June 14.
This isn’t only an exhibition showing the amazing works of Piero della Francesca and the other protagonists of the theory and practice of perspective drawing and architecture of Italian 15th and 16th centuries, but also an occasion to enjoy the Italian Renaissance Art through multimedia installations and Augmented Reality apps.
About a hundred works will be displayed, accompanying the visitor along a path that follows the various chapters of “De Prospectiva Pingendi” (On perspective in painting), one of the most important testimonies of the work made on perspective by Piero della Francesca, so that walking from a room to another will be a bit like leafing through the treaty’s pages. The drawings of the treaty are transformed into 3D models and the famous “Ideal City” of Urbino, one of the masterpieces of Renaissance perspective, will be explained through Augmented Reality.
If you want to see an example of the use of Augmented Reality in art, just download Experenti’s app (free for Android and IOS) and use it on the “Museum” tab of our Press Kit: after seeing our WOW experience you will not want to miss the exhibition!
- Pubblicato il Architecture, Augmented reality @en, Museum
Visual Art and Augmented Reality: Curioos’ new app and a bit of Van Gogh
Thanks to the diffusion of smartphones and new technologies, Augmented Reality and Experiential Marketing are every day more spread and used in advertising.
A new example of creative use of these two elements had been added to the case histories some days ago: the platform Curioos, a digital art marketplace helping artists to print and sell their works, launched its new augmented reality app.
Do you still doubt about buying that painting because you are not sure how it will look on your living room wall? Finally, you will have the possibility to try it before the purchase. It will suffice to download the app, print a code that will be sent to you when you request it and to hang it up to your wall, where you would like to see the artwork. Focusing the scene with your smartphone you will see the painting appear.
This news tells a lot about what is the direction that art marketing (and not just that) is taking in last times: while the channels that until some years ago were essential are turning in just secondary parts of brand advertising, new communication frontiers are emerging. Not anymore simple descriptions of the products, but true, vivid experiences.
We know this very well in Experenti: it is not a case that some of the example tags in the Press Kit (Don’t you have it yet? Download it here) are dedicated especially to art and its presentation.
Follow us in the visit of Van Gogh exhibition: you just have to scan his famous “Starry Night” and load the content. When you will hit “play” the WOW experience will start.
Now maybe you want to visualize some design products, or even show your architecture projects in 3D.
This is possible, now and easily.
Experenti: we help your contents becoming an adventure.
- Pubblicato il Advertising @en, Augmented reality @en, Experenti @en, Museum
Experenti new AR platform is out: are you ready for a WOW experience?
No words needed, just a WOW: this is our claim, our mission and the future of your marketing experience.
We updated our platform to give you and your customers an even better way to enjoy your brand: why limit your marketing to the usual channels when you can amaze your audience?
53% of people don’t believe in advertising. 86% skip TV ads. An incredible amount of money is spent every year in advertising people don’t remember.
You can change this and transform your product in an unforgettable experience for your customer.
Our idea is that there is nothing more effective than an emotion to surprise, impress and interest your customers. We help you doing so with the latest technologies mixed with an aesthetical cure that will end in a…WOW! Using Augmented Reality, Geolocation and Proximity Marketing, we help you deliver an amazing experience to your customers.
This is called Experiential Marketing and is a form of advertising that focuses primarily on helping consumers experience a brand.
Imagine making your products come to life directly in the hands of your customers, so they can see and try them: would it not be revolutionary? Whichever is your field, augmented reality will help you creating a WOW experience.
You want to try it yourself? It is easy: download the mobile app for Android or IOS and then our press kit.
Choose your topic between Catalogues, Packaging, Museums, Tourism, Architecture, Design, Showroom, Engagement, Science and Publishing.
Then scan the related tag with your smartphone and be ready to… WOW!
Are you ready for the new WOW experience? Augment your experience with Experenti: Sense – Feel – Act
- Pubblicato il Experenti @en