“Visual Shazam”: the music recognition app hits the world of Augmented Reality

/ / Augmented reality @en

You enter a cafè and the background song is not new to you, but a memory lapse is preventing you from remember title and singer. It’s on the tip of your tongue, but it seems impossible to recall it. How to do? Of course turning on Shazam, the mobile app that recognizes music. But what if you want to know more about a place or maybe a painting? From now you can use Shazam for this too.

The news came out at the beginning of the year: the Shazam Team was working on a new feature to recognize not only music but objects too. Now this function is reality thanks to its latest update: the famous music recognition app now can read objects, QR codes, products and advertising through our smartphones’ camera.

Basically it will be possible, wherever Shazam’s logo will be visible, to just focus the product and open links to related pages or to see special contents created with Augmented Reality appear; this new feature is called “Visual Shazam” and it’s available in free download for iPhone and iPad.

The Londoner company for the occasion partnered with some important brands, as Time, Condé Nast , Levi’s, Guerlain, Hearst, Harper Collins and, last but not least, with Disney for the promotion of their new movie, “Tomorrowland.”


Moreover, the company wants to adapt this new technology to the world of wearables, e.g. smartwatches.

What for Shazam is a news, for Experenti has been reality for some time: it’s called Experiential Marketing and it’s the field in which we are specialized from many years, connecting Marketing strategies to Augmented Reality. You want to try yourself the technologies we are talking about? You just need our app (freely available for Android and iOS), a smartphone and our Media Kit: focus our material and be prepared for the surprise 😉