Excellent period for German automotive market and its embarking in augmented reality: after Volkswagen, in fact, it’s the turn of the auto component manufacturer Bosch.
While Volkswagen few weeks ago started its experiment with smart glasses in its Wolfsburg branch (with big hopes to make them soon 100% operative), just few days ago came out the news of the acquisition of a stake in the augmented reality startup Reflekt by Bosch. Bosch itself published the news.
The world of automotive and the augmented reality one seems to go together thanks to the big advantages that this new technology can bring inside the production factories: thanks to smart headsets, the workers have the possibility to see production and assembling instructions directly in front of their eyes, remaining at the same time with hands free from devices or manuals.
Hans-Peter Meyen, Bosch spokeperson, thinks exactly this: “In the future, augmented reality applications will be used in many areas of our lives. In the industrial sector and the automotive aftermarket, AR applications will save time and reduce costs”.
The pact between Bosch and Reflekt is not completely unexpected: the two companies during last two years already experimented a winning partnership, that involved the introduction of augmented reality in the development of production, service, training and marketing applications inside Bosch’s productions; Wolfgang Stelzle, Reflekt’s CEO, says about this: “We are convinced our long-term partnership with Bosch will be strengthened by this investment. The reputation and market position of Bosch will accelerate our international expansion and product development.”