Visit Trajan’s Forum in augmented reality thanks to the project Museo Glass Beacon

/ / Museum

Italy is becoming pretty technologic about tourism, especially when linked to the historical and archeological heritage: after the augmented reality reconstruction of Ara Pacis (you can find the article here) , now it’s the turn of Trajan’s Forum!

Thanks to the project “Museo Glass Beacon: the museum of the future“, it will in fact be possible to take a unforgettable visit of the Imperial Forums Museum in the Trajan’s Markets, during which we will be able to experience the museum path in a completely new and immersive way. The monuments will come to life in front of our eyes thanks to an app created ad hoc and the use of augmented reality viewers Glass and Beacons: information, text, images, video or an audio file about fourteen main monuments inside the path ill appear in front of us thanks to the Beacons that, as we approach them, will activate the augmented reality glasses.

This project is the result of the competition “Future Culture” announced by Regione Lazio last year, open to young creatives and aimed to the realization of an hardware and software product with multimedia characteristics for the innovative fruition of cultural events and contents; the competition has been won by Mirko Di Ciaccio with this project, that has been accepted straight away by the Museum and supported by Sovrintendenza Capitolina dei Beni Culturali, then made technically possible by ETT S.p.a.

For two months, from October 14 to December 14, inside the Imperial Forums Museum in the Trajan’s Markets will be possible to receive for free one of the 9 augmented reality viewers Glass and to experience the emotion of seeing one of Italian archeological heritage come to life.

We think this is a good occasion to enjoy one of the major archeological marvels on the Italian ground in a unforgettable way: don’t miss it!

Did you like this topic? Experenti creates also augmented reality solutions for tourism: try them with our free app (iOSAndroid) after downloading the example tags.