One of the most interesting augmented reality applications is for sure the educational field: the nature of this technology itself, with its power of adding data to the physical world, makes it pretty useful when we talk about teaching and learning. In the past we saw some examples as the study of medicine or geology, as well as the creation of learning courses for children.
We at Experenti are big fans of the constant learning, especially if it has a dash of avant-garde technology; we are very happy, therefore, about one of the most recent collaborations we had the luck of developing: the one with Arcadia Consulting, reality that researches the connections between learning and new technologies.
The mission of Arcadia, first and only hub dedicated to technologies and methods for learning, is in fact to offer not the usual courses, but to help people learn in an easier, faster and funnier way. What better way than with augmented reality?
Following this thought, we developed for them the application ARgo+, that will permit you to live the experience of learning through Arcadia’s courses in an unforgettable way.
It will be enough to download the app, available for free for Android and iOS , on your mobile device and, after launching it, focus on the tags you can find on the official site: try yourself and be amazed!
You can find the list of the apps created by Experenti on Google Play and iTunes.