After the augmented tour that helped us discover ancient Rome and its Imperial Forums, Italy’s capital decided to surprise us again creating an amazing initiative featuring once more augmented reality.

This time is the turn of Ara Pacis, that will have back its original colors with tridimensional lights to make the tourists revive the history of the ancient altar that the Emperor Augustus dedicated to peace.

Wearing headsets for augmented reality and headphones, the visitors will live an engaging and immersive experience: they will be able to attend a show made of colors and 3D lights, reviving the atmosphere and the beauty of the monument in all its ancient magnificence; at the same time they will listen to the story of Ara Pacis through an audio document available in five different languages.

Giovanna Marinelli, Assessor of Culture in Rome, said:

“Since soon there will be Jubilee, we studied a new project to give value to our cultural heritage. We thought Ara Pacis was perfect since last year, illuminated and colored, had an extraordinary success among the public. In that occasion was made a 3D model of the altar on which, following philological and historical parameters, was affixed the original color and this permitted us to recreate the original polychromy without risks for the conservation. This year we thought to go beyond and to give visitors a more engaging experience thanks to augmented reality and last generation glasses.”

Augmented reality applied to tourism is a growing trend, and this is why Experenti thought to different solutions that can transform museums, cities, artworks in exciting cultural experiences; do you want to know how?

Have a look to the magic solutions we can create to transform your touristic and cultural tours in a Wow experience!

Summer is coming, and it means one thing: holidays, relax and, of course, tourism!

People are going to plan their travels, and to buy guidebooks that will help them getting around not missing a good spot they can see in any place they’ll go. But what if we tell you that you can get more from your travels? More information, more engagement, more fun…more WOW! If you are a museum, a city of art or any reality linked to the cultural heritage, we think you could be interested in our work!

Experenti offers a new way of advertising and exploring art, monuments and interesting places. Thanks to Augmented Reality, we can enhance the experience of traveling and touring making it a real unforgettable event in the life of your visitors: we can give life to paintings and artworks with animations, video guides, interactive guides and art catalogues, that your users will see directly on their phone. All the culture they want is already in their pockets.

Some of Experenti’s offers for tourism:

TOUR GUIDES to present in a simple and direct way complex and abstract concepts.

INTERACTIVE MAPS that allow visitors to explore the exhibition space according to personal criteria.

3D CHARTS presenting the evolution of architectural, historical or conceptual of various artefacts or exhibits.

You want to understand better how Experenti works? Try us, it’s easy: just download our press kit here and the app for iOS or Android. Then scan the related tag with your smartphone and be ready to… WOW! 😉

Some days ago a new augmented reality headset was added to the famous trio Google Glass, Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR: Microsoft, during its worldwide streaming event “Windows 10: Next Chapter”, presented various projects that will be developed in next months. Among the others (not less than Windows 10 and the new Microsoft’s browser) there’s a particular one which is very interesting to us: we are talking about the suite of augmented reality software called Windows Holographic and the related augmented reality headset, named HoloLens.


The Redmond company didn’t use the words “augmented reality” but “holograms”, still we know what that means: this will probably be the yet-missing mainstream AR set. In fact, at the moment Google Glass has just few AR apps, while Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR are more centered on virtual reality. HoloLens seems to be finally a true AR headset, which puts in communication our daily world with the virtual world.
As Microsoft’s Alex Kipman said: “Until now, we’ve immersed ourselves in the world of technology, but what if we could take technology and immerse it in our world?”
Kipman didn’t describe in depth HoloLons technology, but hinted that they are more sophisticated than the other headsets around: e.g. they create the illusion of depth showing to each eye a different plain image. There’s more: first, it seems it will not use markers as e.g. QR codes; second: the headset itself is very close to a pair of normal glasses, so definitely wearable and light (and why not? – even classy).

Alex Kipman-2

During the presentation event, Microsoft’s executives Joe Belfiore, Terry Myerson and Alex Kipman showed some examples of everyday use for HoloLens: how to adjust a broken pipe, make a Skype call directly on a wall and also how to build Minecraft buildings anywhere we want. There was also a demo on how to sculpt 3D printable models. These uses open this technology to almost every kind of people, making HoloLens, as we said before, the first mainstream AR headset; we are sure that this new product, with the related software, will be a success.

But this powerful techonology, of course, can be used even on higher levels: in fact, last but not least, Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA is working with Microsoft to see if they can use holograms in scientific research.

It’s not strange, in these times, to read on the web users saying that sci-fi is here. Yes, and it seems it just started.

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