Thanks to the diffusion of smartphones and new technologies, Augmented Reality and Experiential Marketing are every day more spread and used in advertising.

A new example of creative use of these two elements had been added to the case histories some days ago: the platform Curioos, a digital art marketplace helping artists to print and sell their works, launched its new augmented reality app.


Do you still doubt about buying that painting because you are not sure how it will look on your living room wall? Finally, you will have the possibility to try it before the purchase. It will suffice to download the app, print a code that will be sent to you when you request it and to hang it up to your wall, where you would like to see the artwork. Focusing the scene with your smartphone you will see the painting appear.

This news tells a lot about what is the direction that art marketing (and not just that) is taking in last times: while the channels that until some years ago were essential are turning in just secondary parts of brand advertising, new communication frontiers are emerging. Not anymore simple descriptions of the products, but true, vivid experiences.

We know this very well in Experenti: it is not a case that some of the example tags in the Press Kit (Don’t you have it yet? Download it here) are dedicated especially to art and its presentation.

Follow us in the visit of Van Gogh exhibition: you just have to scan his famous “Starry Night” and load the content. When you will hit “play” the WOW experience will start.




Now maybe you want to visualize some design products, or even show your architecture projects in 3D.



This is possible, now and easily.

Experenti: we help your contents becoming an adventure.

Realtà aumentata e GoogleTraslate

Alzi la mano chi non si è mai trovato durante un viaggio all’estero, in un paese di cui non si conosce la lingua locale, difronte ad un cartello stradale o ad una rivista piuttosto che davanti ad un menù di un ristorante e non capirne il significato?
Niente panico, L’incubo sta per finire! Da oggi interviene in nostro aiuto Google traslate che si aggiorna nella sua nuova versione 3.1.0 per iOS e Android e quasi per magia si trasforma in un vero e proprio interprete automatico!


No words needed, just a WOW: this is our claim, our mission and the future of your marketing experience.


We updated our platform to give you and your customers an even better way to enjoy your brand: why limit your marketing to the usual channels when you can amaze your audience?

53% of people don’t believe in advertising. 86% skip TV ads. An incredible amount of money is spent every year in advertising people don’t remember.

You can change this and transform your product in an unforgettable experience for your customer.

Our idea is that there is nothing more effective than an emotion to surprise, impress and interest your customers. We help you doing so with the latest technologies mixed with an aesthetical cure that will end in a…WOW! Using Augmented Reality, Geolocation and Proximity Marketing, we help you deliver an amazing experience to your customers.

This is called Experiential Marketing and is a form of advertising that focuses primarily on helping consumers experience a brand.

Imagine making your products come to life directly in the hands of your customers, so they can see and try them: would it not be revolutionary? Whichever is your field, augmented reality will help you creating a WOW experience.

You want to try it yourself? It is easy: download the mobile app for Android or IOS and then our press kit.

Choose your topic between Catalogues, Packaging, Museums, Tourism, Architecture, Design, Showroom, Engagement, Science and Publishing.

Then scan the related tag with your smartphone and be ready to… WOW!


Are you ready for the new WOW experience? Augment your experience with Experenti: Sense – Feel – Act

Experenti is freely available for Android devices and IOS.

Some days ago a new augmented reality headset was added to the famous trio Google Glass, Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR: Microsoft, during its worldwide streaming event “Windows 10: Next Chapter”, presented various projects that will be developed in next months. Among the others (not less than Windows 10 and the new Microsoft’s browser) there’s a particular one which is very interesting to us: we are talking about the suite of augmented reality software called Windows Holographic and the related augmented reality headset, named HoloLens.


The Redmond company didn’t use the words “augmented reality” but “holograms”, still we know what that means: this will probably be the yet-missing mainstream AR set. In fact, at the moment Google Glass has just few AR apps, while Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR are more centered on virtual reality. HoloLens seems to be finally a true AR headset, which puts in communication our daily world with the virtual world.
As Microsoft’s Alex Kipman said: “Until now, we’ve immersed ourselves in the world of technology, but what if we could take technology and immerse it in our world?”
Kipman didn’t describe in depth HoloLons technology, but hinted that they are more sophisticated than the other headsets around: e.g. they create the illusion of depth showing to each eye a different plain image. There’s more: first, it seems it will not use markers as e.g. QR codes; second: the headset itself is very close to a pair of normal glasses, so definitely wearable and light (and why not? – even classy).

Alex Kipman-2

During the presentation event, Microsoft’s executives Joe Belfiore, Terry Myerson and Alex Kipman showed some examples of everyday use for HoloLens: how to adjust a broken pipe, make a Skype call directly on a wall and also how to build Minecraft buildings anywhere we want. There was also a demo on how to sculpt 3D printable models. These uses open this technology to almost every kind of people, making HoloLens, as we said before, the first mainstream AR headset; we are sure that this new product, with the related software, will be a success.

But this powerful techonology, of course, can be used even on higher levels: in fact, last but not least, Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA is working with Microsoft to see if they can use holograms in scientific research.

It’s not strange, in these times, to read on the web users saying that sci-fi is here. Yes, and it seems it just started.

Watch a video:

realtà aumentata microsoft

Avete mai immaginato di introdurre nell’ambiente che vi circonda degli oggetti non reali capaci di integrarsi al suo interno al punto tale da creare un universo parallelo?


Grazie a Microsoft tutto ciò non sarà più solo pura fantasia!

In occasione della presentazione di Windows 10,  l’azienda americana ha  infatti svelato al mondo intero quello che potrebbe presto divenire l’oggetto dei desideri degli appassionati di tecnologia e non solo!

Si chiamano HoloLens, gli occhiali  che mescolano il mondo  virtuale con quello reale, consentendo  a chi li indossa di immergersi in un’ esperienza unica di realtà aumentata .

 I visori Hololens sono  tutti dotati di lenti olografiche trasparenti ad alta definizione, che scansionano il contesto in cui un soggetto si trova e vi inseriscono elementi virtuali tridimensionali in forma di ologramma.

Il dispositivo è in grado di riconoscere il movimento delle mani e la direzione dello sguardo cosi chi li indossa può spostare  gli ologrammi nello spazio attraverso il semplice movimento delle mani, dalla voce e dello sguardo.   Sono inoltre dotati di auricolari integrati che consentono di percepire i suoni prodotti dagli oggetti virtuali. La cosa stupefacente è che gli HoloLens, sono del tutto autonomi, riescono a comprendere il mondo reale e le azioni senza bisogno né di computer né di smartphone.

Tra gli esempi di utilizzo annunciati da Microsoft durante la presentazione del prototipo, ci sono le video-chiamate Skype effettuate passeggiando per l’ufficio e la visione della TV su una parete bianca.

Le possibili applicazioni di HoloLens sono prevalentemente ludiche e di intrattenimento, ma anche professionali: con l’inizio della commercializzazione ne saranno più chiare le potenzialità anche per il mondo degli eventi e del travel.

Non vedete l’ora di provarli?

Dovrete però pazientare ancora un po’, l’arrivo sul mercato è previsto per la fine dell’anno!